Selected Conference Papers and Presentations

Qi (Peter) Li

  • Q. Li and X. Sun, "Feature extraction based on hearing system signal processing for robust large vocabulary speech recognition", in the Proceeding of InterSpeech, Portland, Sept. 2012. (PDF)
  • X. Sun, Q. Li, M. Zhu, and Q. Zhou, "Integrating adaptive beam-forming and auditory features for robust language vocabulary speech recognition", in the Proceeding of InterSpeech, Portland, Sept. 2012. (PDF)
  • U. Jain, B. Tan, and Q. Li, "Concealed knowledge identification using facial thermal imaging", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Prague, Kyoto, March 2012. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, Y. Ding, and M. Zhou, "Configurable 3D audio and music", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Prague, Kyoto, March 2012. (S&T)
  • M. Zhu and Q. Li, "A microphone array for tablet computers and SmartPhones", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Prague, Kyoto, March 2012. (S&T)
  • Y. Yin and Q. Li, “Soft frame margin estimation of Gaussian mixture models for speaker recognition with sparse training data”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Prague, May 2011. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, “Robust speaker authentication”, The 4th Annual Biometrics for National Security, Vienna VA, January 24, 2011
  • U. Jain, B. Tan, and Q. Li, “Thermal imaging of head for sensing and identification of concealed intent”, The 4th Annual Biometrics for National Security, Vienna VA, January 24, 2011
  • Q. Li and Y. Huang, “Robust speaker identification using an auditory-based feature”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Dallas, March 2010. (PDF)
  • Q. Li “Auditory-based feature for robust speaker identification,” Biometric Consortium Conference, Tampa FL, September 2010.
  • B. Tan and Q. Li, “An automatic non-native speaker recognition systemIEEE International Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security, Waltham MA, November 2010.
  • J. J. Hajicek, N. Myrent, Q. Li, D. Barker, and K. M. Coyne, “Protocols for improved understanding of situational awareness effects of head-borne PPEIEEE International Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security, Waltham MA, November 2010. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, “An auditory-based transform for audio signal processing”, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, October 2009. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, M. Zhu, and W. Li, “A portable USB-based microphone array device for robust speech recognition”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Taipei, April 2009. (PDF)
  • J.J. Hajicek, T. Burchfield, Q. Li, D. Barker, and K. Coyne, “Quantification of Perceptual Effects for Personal Protective Equipment”, AIHce 2009.
  • Q. Li, J.J. Hajicek, T. Burchfield, Y. Yin, K. Coyne, D. Barker, “A Speech Recognition Approach to Automatic Objective Speech Intelligibility Assessment”, AIHce 2009.
  • Q. Li, G. Rubin, J.J. Hajicek, Y. Yin, K. Coyne, D. Barker, T. Burchfield, “Automatic Objective Speech intelligibility Assessment By Automatic Speech Recognition, Chemical and Biological Defense Conference, New Orleans, 2008.

·       Q. Li and W. Li, A Small USB-Based Microphone Array for Speech Recognition” (Show & Tell), IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Las Vegas, April 2008.

  • Q. Li and W. Li, “Noise reduction and speech enhancement for high-quality wireless handsets”, the 14th Annual Wireless & Optical communications Conference (WOCC), Newark NJ, April 2005.
  • Q. Li and J. Zhong, “Multimodality human emotion database” (exhibition), at the 1st International Conference on Augmented Cognition jointly with the 11th International conference on Human-computer Interaction (HCI-2005), Las Vegas, July 2005.
  • Q. Li and W. Li, “Noise reduction solution” (exhibition), at the 1st International Conference on Augmented Cognition jointly with the 11th International conference on Human-computer Interaction (HCI-2005), Las Vegas, July 2005.
  • Q. Li, “Discovering relations among discriminative training objectives”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Montreal, May 2004. (PDF)
  • Q. Li and J. Zhong, “Emotion state recognition using HMM and speech, video, and thermal features”, DARPA AugCog Conference, Miami, Jan. 2004.
  • Q. Li, “Alternative transducers for handheld ASR in military environments”, DARPA Babylon Conference, Orlando, Dec. 2003.
  • Q. Li, and B.-H. Juang, “Fast discriminative training for sequential observations with application to speaker identification”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Hong Kong, April 2003. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, “Analysis and comparison of discriminative training objectives”, in the Proceeding of 2003 International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (IEEE Press), Beijing, China, Oct. 2003. (PDF)
  • I. Zitouni, Q. Zhou, and Q. Li, “A hierarchical approach for better estimation of unseen event likelihood in speech recognition”, in the Proceeding of 2003 International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (IEEE Press), Beijing, China, Oct. 2003. (PDF)
  • Q. Zhou, I. Zitouni, and Q. Li, “Bell Labs connected digit databases for telephone speech recognition”, in the Proceeding of 2003 International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (IEEE Press), Beijing, China, Oct. 2003. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, H. Jiang, Q. Zhou, and J. Zheng, "Automatic enrollment for speaker authentication'', 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Denver, September 2002. (PDF)
  • J. Chen, D. Dimitriadis, H. Jiang, Q. Li, T. A. Myroll, O. Siohan, and F. K. Soong, "Bell Labs approach to Aurora evaluation on connected digit recognition'', 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Denver, September 2002. (PDF)
  • J. Chen, Y. Huang, Q. Li, and F. K. Soong, "Recognition of noisy speech using normalized moments'', 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Denver, September 2002. (PDF)
  • F. Monrose, M. K. Reiter, Q. Li, D. Lopresti, and C. Shih, "Toward speech generated cryptographic keys on resource constrained devices'', in the Proceedings of the 11th USENIX Security Symposium, August 2002.
  • Q. Li, and B.-H. Juang "A new algorithm for fast discriminative training", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Orlando, May 2002. (PDF)
  • B. Mak, Y.-C. Tam, and Q. Li, "Discriminative auditory feature for robust speech recognition", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Orlando, May 2002. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, F. K. Soong, and O. Siohan, "An auditory system-based feature for robust speech recognition", 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Aalborg-Denmark, pp. 619-621, Sep. 2001. (PDF)
  • M. Afify, H. Jiang, F. Korkmazskiy, C.-H. Lee, Q. Li, O. Siohan, F. K. Soong, and A. Surendran, "Evaluating the Aurora connected digit recognition task - a Bell Labs approach", 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Aalborg-Denmark, pp. 633-636, Sep. 2001. (PDF)
  • O. Siohan, A. Ando, M. Afify, H. Jiang, C.-H. Lee, Q. Li, F. Liu, K. Onoe, F. K. Soong, and Q. Zhou, "A real-time Japanese broadcast news closed-captioning system", 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Aalborg-Denmark, pp. 495-498, Sep. 2001. (PDF)
  • F. Monrose, M. K. Reiter, Q. Li, and S. Wetzel, "Using voice to generate cryptographic keys: a position paper", Speaker Odyssey, Crete-Greece, June 2001. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, J. Zheng, Q. Zhou, and C.-H. Lee, "A robust real-time endpoint detector with energy normalization for ASR in adverse environments", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. I, pp. 223-226, Salt Lake City, May 2001. (PDF)
  • F. Monrose, M. K. Reiter, Q. Li, and S. Wetzel, "Cryptographic key generation from voice", IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2001. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, F. K. Soong, and O. Siohan, "A high-performance auditory feature for robust speech recognition'', 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Beijing, October 2000. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, "Search-space reduction for fast, optimal HMM decoding in speaker verification'', IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. II, pp. 1189-1192, Istanbul, June 2000. (PDF)
  • Q. Li and A. Tsai, "A marched filter approach to endpoint detection for robust speaker verification'', IEEE Workshop on Automatic Identification Advanced Technologies, Summit, NJ, Oct. 1999. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, A. Tsai, and W.-G. Kim, "A language-independent personal voice controller with embedded speaker verification", In 6th European Conf. Speech Communication & Technology Proc., Budapest, Hungary, vol. 3, pp. 1207-1210, Sept. 1999. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, "A Fast, Sequential Decoding Algorithm with Application to Speaker Verification", In IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, & Sig. Proc., Phoenix, March 1999. (PDF)
  • Q. Siohan, C.-H. Lee, A. C. Surendran, and Q. Li, "Background model design for flexible and potable speaker verification systems", In IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, & Sig. Proc., Phoenix, March 1999. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, "A fast decoding algorithm based on sequential detection of the changes in distribution", In Int. Conf. Spoken Language Proc., Sydney, Nov. 1998. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, and B.-H. Juang, ``Speaker verification using verbal information verification for automatic enrollment,'' IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, & Sig. Proc., Seattle, May 1998. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, B.-H. Juang, Q. Zhou, C._H. Lee, and F. K. Soong, ``On speaker authentication,'' IEEE Workshop on Automatic Identification Advanced Technologies, Stony Brook, NY, pp. 3 - 6, Nov. 1997. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, B.-H. Juang, Q. Zhou, and C.-H. Lee, ``Verbal information verification,'' 5th European Conf. Speech Communication & Technology Proc., Rhodes Greece, pp. 839 - 842, Sept. 1997. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, S. Parthasarathy, and A. E. Rosenberg, ``A fast algorithm for stochastic matching with application to robust speaker verification,'' IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, & Sig. Proc., Munich, April 1997. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, S. Parthasarathy, A. E. Rosenberg, and D. W. Tufts, ``Normalized discriminant analysis with application to a hybrid speaker-verification system,'' IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, & Sig. Proc., Atlanta, May, 1996, pp. 681-684. (PDF)
  • Q. Li and P. F. Swaszek, ``One-pass vector quantizer design by sequential pruning of the training data,'' Proc. Int. Conf. Image Proc., Washington DC, Oct. 1995. (PDF)
  • D. W. Tufts, and Q. Li, ``Principal feature classification,'' IEEE Workshop Neural Networks for Signal Processing,, Cambridge, August 1995. (PDF)
  • Q. Li and D. W. Tufts, ``Improving discriminant neural network (DNN) design by the use of principal component analysis,'' Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, & Sig. Proc., Detroit, MI, May 1995. (PDF)
  • Q. Li, D. W. Tufts, R. J. Duahime, and P. V. August, ``Fast training algorithms for large data sets with application to classification of multispectral images,'' Proc. IEEE 28th Asilomar Conf., Pacific Grove, Oct. 1994. (PDF)
  • Q. Li and D. W. Tufts, ``Synthesizing neural networks by sequential addition of hidden nodes,'' Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Neural Networks, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Orlando, FL, June 1994, vol. 2, pp. 708-713. (PDF)
  • Q. Li and Ingle, V. K., ``A new approach to identification and estimation of 2-D state-space models for applications in image processing,'' Proc. 22nd Conf. Information Science & Systems, Princeton, March 1988.
  • Q. Li, ``Optimal design of intravenous infusion by optimal control theory,'' Modeling, Simulation & Control, vol. 2, no. 4, 1985, pp. 37-52.
  • Q. Li, ``A approach on using quadratic criteria in optimal infusion,'' The First China Biomedical Mathematics Conf., Guangchou, Dec. 1984.)
  • Q. Li, ``The theory of optimal infusion and its application,'' The First China Biomedical Mathematics Conf., Guangchou, Dec. 1984.
  • Q. Li, ``Optimal design of intravenous infusion by optimal control theory,'' 4th Int. AMSE Conf. Modeling and Simulation, Minneapolis, MN, 1984.
  • Q. Li, ``Searching weighting matrix Q in optimal control design with application to speed control system,'' CAA Conference on Electrical Automation, Hangchou, Oct. 1982.

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Last Update: 9/28/2012